Bone Anchored Hearing Aid
The Baha offers an alternative method for achieving sensitive hearing by the way of Bone Conduction. The Baha works on a principle of efficient coupling of the sound processor to the underlying bone through 1) a small connector across the skin, and 2) an implant that directly bonds with the underlying bone – an osseointegrated implant. The Baha is currently the only device that works through direct bone conduction.
What is the Baha system?
The system consists of three components: the titanium fixture, the abutment and the external sound processor.
How does Baha work?
Baha is a technology that combines a sound processor with a small titanium fixture implanted behind the ear. This unique system allows the bone to transfer sound to a functioning cochlea rather than via the middle ear – a process known as direct bone conduction.
How will the titanium fixture be implanted in my ear?
Dr. Ovnat Tamir will perform minor surgery to place the Baha behind your non-functioning ear. The surgery is completed as an outpatient procedure.
How do I know if Baha will work for me?
Only Dr. Ovnat Tamir, together with your audiologist, can determine if you are a good candidate for Baha. You will have an opportunity to try the Baha processor connected to a headband during an appointment before surgery. This will provide some sense of what sound would be delivered through bone conduction.
Are you a good candidate for Baha?
Possible Baha candidates may have hearing loss from:
Malformation of the ear canal or middle ear
Infection of the ear canal resulting in chronic draining ears
Chronic otitis media
Congenital atresia
Middle ear dysfunction/disease
Sudden hearing loss
Acoustic neuroma
Meniere’s disease